(by iphone 3GS – apps Layers & CinemaFX)

I didn’t belive in anyone
But I found you today
My eyes are not closed baby I still remember
If my words are not that clear
I know my hearts is understading
every little kiss of you
I’m you’re princess for a night
maybe forever
We were dancers in the rain
and its still remains
If my words are not that clear
I know my hearts is understading
every little kiss of you
Just a sunny day in Paris
please give back to me
I don’t need to be romantic
I just have to be me
My lover is gone
but I’m not on my own
With all this little kisses of you
My lover is gone
But I’m not on my own
With all this little kisses of you

by Emilie Simon, my favor song

not expecting what is going on
hope to close my eyes
forgot the ugliest mask
forgot the selfish thoughts
forgot the unmethodical ways

open my eyes
blow into the air


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